Pure Clear Coatings

PURE CLEAR COATINGS Limited is a Certified Applicator and Distributor of PURETi™ products.
PURETi™ is a range of solutions for continuous purification of the environment, both exterior and interior.
Thus, it decomposes and eliminates dirt, bad smells, bacteria and other air pollutants in the presence of light; promoting the well-being and safety of people, improving the environment and the sustainability of spaces, and reducing the maintenance costs of buildings.
PURETi™, from USA, is composed of water-based and ultrafine particles of titanium dioxide. It is applied by micro-nebulization on all types of surfaces in a safe way and achieves its effect, until now unique, by means of a basic principle such as photocatalysis. This is Blue Wave technology.
Latest News:
Partnering with Frost Solutions to deliver air purifying branding and surfaces
Coming soon NEW Pureti Coat VL – new formulae to work with visible light – not just UV-A light. Destroys volatile organic pollutants such as VOCs and NOx in the presence of normal light.
How does Pureti Work Outside?
How does Pureti Work Inside?